HealThyRam - Niramaya Bharat Community

"YES to YOGA Talks"

Boosting Immunity with Yoga!

21st July 2022

06:30 P.M. IST





ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
Our prayers to the primordial AUM,

May All be Happy,
May All be Free from Illness. 
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer.
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Peace. This is the core emotion of this HNBC community. 

Let’s join hands to build the yoga revolution globally! Let’s start with saying ‘YES to Yoga talks’! 


The Research has shown that practicing yoga can improve the strength of your immune system. And because yoga is a fun and accessible form of exercise, you might even be able to get some of your friends, colleagues and contacts to join you!


Yoga is both a physical and mental activity that teaches you to control your body and mind. People who practice yoga can increase their strength and flexibility, balance, concentration, posture, memory and awareness. Besides this physical aspect, yoga also has a lot of other benefits on the mind including relief from depression, anxiety and stress.


Yoga helps lower the stress hormones in our body and also strengthens our immune system. It’s a known fact that the stress is one of the major reasons why our immune system is likely to get weakened. Yoga techniques aid to calm our nervous system, it conditions our respiratory tract and our lungs. Yoga stimulates our lymphatic system. It supplies blood to the crown of our head, which helps in relieving stress. 

Let’s join hands to build the yoga revolution globally!  

Do Register to Join US LIVE for the second episode of the FREE Event series ‘Yes to Yoga talks – Boosting immunity with Yoga! 

‘YES to Yoga talks’ launched on this International Yoga Day was the first of the event series called ‘HealThyRam – Niramaya Bharat Series’. It is an online and hybrid event series with a collective mission to connect and work with all wellness experts, masters, leaders, and seekers. 


The driving force behind the series is our simple belief that “A healthy body and a healthy mind are needed for a skillful and Innovative application of any acquired knowledge to bring about Economic Development.” 


We welcome you to join, volunteer, promote and support our initiatives and our journey through our future series! 

We have the power to change the world by working together! 


At $5 get community membership of HealThyRam - Niramaya Bharat event series


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You can submit your questions regarding the event series topics that you need answers about below and we shall try to take it up in one of the wellness expert panels! 


  • 6:30 PM IST –  Welcome note to HNBC Community by Sangeeta Sharma
  • 6:33 PM IST –  Introduction  Presentation on HNBC Membership OFFER
  • 6:38 PM IST –  Speaker Introduction
  • 6:40 PM IST –  Yes to Yoga Talks with Yoga Guru with Manpreet Sangha


Manpreet Sangha

Yoga & Meditation Guru and Founder,
Sangha YogAyurveda

Sangeeta Sharma


Venkatesh Sharma

Host, Co-Founder,


Be part of the #YesToYoga movement Participate in the movement of oneness, and pledge #YesToYoga to live a healthier life and be the influencer in your family & friends to adopt Yoga for all.

Know the basics of Yoga
Know the real meaning of Yoga and how you can integrate in your daily lives.

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You get a chance to get access to interact with the wellness experts and get your questions answered..

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Better plan your health concerns and routine as per the advice of wellness experts

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Manpreet Sangha with yoga followers
Manpreet Sangha doing SuryaNamaskar

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