HealThyRam - Niramaya Bharat Community

"YES to YOGA Talks"

Yoga for Neck Pain!

1st Feb 2023

06:30 P.M. IST

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
Our prayers to the primordial AUM,

May All be Happy,
May All be Free from Illness. 
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer.
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Peace. This is the core emotion of this HNBC community. 

Yoga can be beneficial for people who have neck pain because it helps to stretch the muscles in the neck and shoulders, which are often tight as a result of sitting at a desk all day or driving long distances.

The poses and exercises in yoga help to increase blood flow by opening up the chest area, which also helps with neck pain.

There are many different types of yoga poses that can be done for neck pain relief. One type is called the cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) where you start on your hands and knees with your back arched like a cat before rounding your spine like a cow then returning to a cat position. Another pose is called supine twists where you also begin in a supine position with your knees bent, but you twist your body to the right and then to the left. There are other poses that will help alleviate neck pain such as a downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana), cobra (Bhujangasana), plank (Chaturanga or Chaturanga Dandasana), and child’s pose (Bālāsana).

Join Venkatesh Sharma for the live interview of Yogacharya Dhakaram ji who shall shed some light from the Indian perspective for gaining some insights into the Types of Neck Issues and Why is it so Damaging? Is there a reliable solution for chronic neck pain? How can Yoga help you to Get Relief from Neck Pain? Types of Yoga You Can Do to Get Relief/ the benefits of doing yoga for neck pain and some poses to practice!

If you are enthusiastic about leading a happy life and curious about the healing powers of natural processes like Yoga; these classes are for you. They will not only empower you with the techniques of Yoga but will also provide you with the nuances of a healthy lifestyle. This knowledge will then help you lead a healthy life while making money by sharing it with others. All you need to join our “Teachers Training Program” is a zeal and desire to make a positive difference in the health routine of your own, your family, and society at large! Visit experience world-class yoga center @YogaPeace with Yogacharya Dhakaram Ji Experience new dimensions.

For More Information about courses visit:-

Looking at his engrossment and dedication in yoga, Sharat Dhakad – Dhakaram’s dear friend and a fellow student of Shri Suraj Karan Jindal Sahib, prompted him to lay the foundation of YogaPeace. Dhakaram with his years of experience as a trainer and a family to raise considered this idea and established YogaPeace in 1998 to spread this knowledge & train more people in a properly structured institutional platform. The institution kick-started the practice in the ground floor of his friend Rahul Mangal’s apartment, which he then generously offered Dhakaram for free.

Today, YogaPeace is connected with more than 91,000 people through a range of workshops and coaching classes conducted worldwide. The credit can be conferred to his unique teaching method that has empowered thousands of people to change their lives. YogaPeace’s programs include Regular Yoga, Advance Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, Partner Yoga, Meditation, Therapy Yoga, Slimming Program, Fitness Yoga, Corporate Yoga and Yoga Certification Courses (Level 1, 2 and 3) amongst others.

To know more about the topic, please Register to join us LIVE for the episode of the FREE Event series ‘Yes to Yoga talks – to see a live chat by Venkatesh Sharma with ayurveda teacher trainer and expert Dr. Sandeep Madaan in our ‘YES to Yoga talks’ episode called “Yoga and Ayurveda” of the event series called ‘HealThyRam – Niramaya Bharat Series’. It is an online and hybrid event series with a collective mission to connect and work with all wellness experts, masters, leaders, and seekers. 

The driving force behind the series is our simple belief that “A healthy body and a healthy mind are needed for a skillful and Innovative application of any acquired knowledge to bring about personal, social and economic development.” 

We welcome you to join, volunteer, promote and support our initiatives and our journey through our future series! 

We have the power to change the world by working together! 

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You can submit your questions regarding the event series topics that you need answers about below and we shall try to take it up in one of the wellness expert panels! 

Yoga and Ayurveda Power

You can submit your questions regarding the event series topics that you need answers about below and we shall try to take it up in one of the wellness expert panels! 


  • 6:30 PM IST –  Welcome note to HNBC Community by Ms Sangeeta Sharma
  • 6:33 PM IST –  Introduction to HNBC Membership OFFER by Ms Sangeeta Sharma
  • 6:38 PM IST –  Speaker Introduction by Mr. Venkatesh Sharma
  • 6:40 PM IST –  Yes to Yoga Talks with Yogacharya Dhakaram


Yogacharya Dhakaram

Yogacharya Dhakaram

Founder, Yogapeace Sansthan &

Sangeeta Sharma

Virtual Studio

Venkatesh Sharma

Event Host


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